Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration Speech

Obama’s Speeches
William Safire, a speechwriter for President Richard Nixon writes in Time Magazine what he thinks how Obama should say in his speech. He says, “In Obama’s speech next week, he ‘cannot escape history.’” He also says that first impressions count which they certainly do because this is the speech that Obama will capture the audiences attention greatly and see what they have to offer in the world during his presidency. Obama's speeches have been compared to Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Junior (MLK). He has been compared to as FDR because of what he had to deal with during the depression in 1933. Presently, our country is going through some tough times and Obama will be the president to deal with this and hopefully put America back on track and running smoothly. His speeches have been compared to Lincoln's First Inauguration Speech during the Civil War. He quotes, "We are not enemies, but friends." Our country is currently fighting in Iraq and hopefully Obama can solve these issues with certain countries, like Iraq and can bring our troops hime safely. Lastly, Mr. Safire says that Obama does not need to mention he is black. FDR never said that he was the frist disabled president nor di JFK say he was the first Catholic. The people will get his point without him having to say this and neverthe less will his speech be long remembered.

Obama will become the first black president of the United States which will be a major event in our history. Throughout the years, blacks were used as slaves and had no freedom until Martin Luther King Jr. stepped in and greatly helped the civil rights movement for the blacks. That was back in 1963. Now, it’s 2009 and a black man will be our president after all these years of suffering, misconception, and anger.

I believe that Obama will have a powerful and well-rounded speech and really capture America's heart. His presidency will be one of the greatest moments in our history and as Safire put it, "he will be long remembered."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Technology: Reducing Time and Space

In our world today, many families choose to live apart from one another because of work. An estimated of 3.6 million married Americans were living apart from their spouses. Fortunately, technology has made life easier for these families to keep in touch. There are websites like Skype that allow one another to see eachother through computer. For example, husband and father Miles Harvey lives far away from his family in Chicago He moved to New Orleans by himself because of work, but he has found many ways to communicate with his loved ones. He video chats with his wife and two kids everyday and talks to them about his day. The picture above shos Harvey reading a book to his kids on the video chat. Harvey reduces the negative effects by interacting with his family online and spending time with them. Technology these days has made life easier for these families who are in these situations like the Harvey's.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Who-Lori Drew, Megan Meier
What-Drew posed as a teenage boy online and sent disturbing messages to Megan Meier. Shortly after receiving these messages, Megan committed suicide
Where-Missouri, U.S.
When-Oct. 2006

Main Idea-The main idea is that cyberbullying is a crime and people should be punished in doing this act. This act could cause great harm in dealing with person mental problems similar to what happened to Megan.

Own Idea-This act could cause great harm in dealing with person mental problems similar to what happened to Megan. Sometimes people can’t deal with these problems the right way and therefore can lead to traumatic events.

Conflict-The conflict is that so many people get away in doing this crime. When this happens the “victim” should alert a professional who deals with this issue and the cyber bully will be stopped.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teenager’s Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing

“All those hours their teenagers spend socializing on the Internet are not a bad thing,” states the MacArthur Foundation from recent studies. The majority of teenagers have at least one social networking site that they belong to, such as Facebook and Myspace. By visiting these sites every day, teenagers are learning how to communicate with one another on the World Wide Web. Mizuko Ito, a lead researcher on the study, said, “But their participation is giving them the technological skills and literacy they need to succeed in the contemporary world. They’re learning how to get along with others, how to manage a public identity, how to create a home page.” This is important, because the internet is where the future is going and sooner or later, every teenager or adult would need to be able to use a computer. Just look today. People can get their news, weather, and sports on the internet and never have to turn on the television to get this. The internet is what the majority of people use and I believe that it’s good to belong to a social networking site because then teenagers can really learn now and in the future, the communicating that will take place.

Not only do teenagers have these social networking identities, but well known people have them. For example, our future President Barack Obama has a facebook and you can friend him. Teenagers and adults have become friends with Obama on facebook and can share their ideas with him by writing on his wall. This gives them a great understanding about politics and major issues for our country.

The internet is the future of learning and communicating and teenagers should be able to have these social networking identities. With these, they won’t have trouble in the future using a computer and will have success for years.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Safe Blogging

Posting blogs can be a little dangerous if you don’t know how to use it properly, but with these few easy rules, you’ll have a fun time posting blogs and doing it in a safe manner. Most importantly, you should only use your first name and never your last. This is important because not only your friends can view your blogs, but the entire internet nation can and you want to keep your personal life out of it. When writing a blog you should no use vulgar words and if you think it may offend someone, keep that to your self and therefore no ones feelings will get hurt. The last rule for safe blogging is not to put up inappropriate links and pics either of you or someone else. In other words, don’t put up websites that are not significant for the topic that your are writing on. If you will follow these rules you will have a fun time blogging. So be careful and safe blogging.